His elder siblings looked after him as large families are prone to do. His eldest brother thought the world of him and it is my belief that he was saddened that the age gap robbed him of some of the great times they would have had in youth if closer in age. It never stopped him from visiting and spending time with him every fall on the yearly trip home to Maine.
Harry may not have ever realized how highly he was regarded by his siblings, or perhaps it was just that he would never let on that he knew. I repeatedly heard of how his WWII service affected his siblings. Not the service itself, as others served too, but the fact that he and his crew were shot down behind enemy lines.
He was the tail gunner on a B-17 bomber tasked with many missions over both France and then later over Berlin.
I never heard him speak of his experience, I am sure it resulted in PTSD, but I hope he knows how much his whole family appreciated his service, let alone the rest of America.